Category Archives: Thank You

Happy One Year Anniversary, Necromancers’ Pride!

January 8th, 2014 is the day we saw the realization of a dream! One year ago today, Necromancers’ Pride –  Quest for Elderstone was released!! It has been an amazing ride since then, seeing the release of all three books, including Tides of War and Storm of Shadows. Thank you, our amazing readers, for accompanying us […]

Omar K. Mills, got his COPIES!

NOW THIS IS WHAT I’M TALKIN ABOUT! In His Own Words. The readers book reviews on Amazon: Quest for Elderstone A Masterpiece! Easily one of the best works of fiction ever penned. Charles has managed to take a genre that is usually overly verbose for the sake thereof and actually make it understandable (and therefore more […]

BIG Announcement! You ASKed for it and WE delivered!

Today is the 1 year anniversary of writing this blog! Can you believe it? WOW And … wait for it … well silly it’s my BIRTHDAY, of course! *”Huzzah!” call the merry revelers, shouting with joy.* Any and all gifts will be gladly accepted. That having been said, D.W. and I want to take a look back, […]

Book 2 – TIDES OF WAR to be released on June 12th!!

Hear ye! Hear ye! We herald great tidings!  D.W. and I are proud to officially announce that book two in the Necromancers’ Pride Saga, Tides of War, will be released on June 12, 2014!! Just to tantalize your senses a bit further, we wanted to give you a little visual morsel to enjoy. Here is […]

That day is TODAY …

As we proceed along this adventurous path, fellow travelers, D.W. and I are constantly amazed by the feelings that come along with creating one’s own world (or in this case, two’s own world). We feel blessed. We feel grateful. We feel fulfilled. We also feel anxious. It is the anxiousness that comes with acknowledging a […]