Tag Archives: duty

Of Friendship and Thanks

Necromancers’ Pride is a story of survival. It is a story of hope. It is a story of duty, duty to those weaker than oneself, duty to responsibilities larger than oneself and duty to commitments more important than oneself. It is a story about overcoming adversity. Necromancers’ Pride is, in short, a story about life. […]

The Constant Change

  Change, it is the world’s only constant. It is not solely in this world, though, in which that statement is true. In worlds one builds, where the laws of physics and the rules of magic do not coincide with what our perception deems reality, change stills holds sway as the ever-present mitigating force. Oftentimes […]

Account Ability

I had to admonish my daughter yesterday. It wasn’t pretty. It really sort of broke my heart. Now, I’m not going to say that I was right and she deserved it … though I was and she did, but I still felt badly about it afterward. As a parent, there is no preparation for those […]