Hey guys!
If you’re a writer, like me, you know that the flow of your story can get interrupted by coming up with interesting names for your characters. Names are key to a story. If your characters have great names, you will engage with them more. I sometimes find it hard to get names for characters, so I’ve compiled a list of different categories of names. (Fantasy, obviously. We’re in the Necromancers’ Pride blog, of course!) Here you go:
Male :
Kiel Harröwing,
Leoni D’Agogniza, Sylvester Mol-Amour, Darnëss,
Spherical Juilliard, Justinian Fontè
Female :
Juzzie Kingston, South Cooast, North Cooast,
Spirit Miarial, Huuliana Jusstinian, Ninhã O’Mirankly
Scythe, Silver, Grey, Darkness Warriors, Battle-Axe, The One
Animal Names:
Sunlight, Sun Moon,
Yin, Yang, Spirit, Sic, Sunrise, Sunset
That’s it for now, guys!
What names can you add to the various lists?
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