Goethe is author of one of my favorite quotes of all time. You may have heard of it. I’ve made mention of it before, “Boldness has genius, power and magic in it…” If you’ve never heard of it, do yourself a favor and look it up. The entire quote is very motivational. It certainly has the power to uplift me when I’m uncertain of what my next step should be.
I like to take Thursday as an opportune moment to give us all a quick reminder of how special we all are. The above quote is especially poignant, because it’s particularly true. We are inundated by stimuli informing us about the difficulty of being. I, for one, would rather stimulate by reminding us of the necessity of believing. Necromancers’ Pride was built on belief and a foundation of magic.
Believe in yourself. Boldness is not the only thing that has magic in it…you do too.
What do you truly want to make happen today?
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