Who’s up first? Facebook Face-off!

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls…this bout is scheduled for one fall, and is sanctioned by the Tarunian Athletic Commission.

This contest is sponsored by Necromancers’ Pride Apparel…where fantasy and fashion meet!

In the blue corner, with a mesmerizing smile and hypnotic eyes, fighting fit and trim and wearing the grey cuffed beanie is none other than the talented, graceful, knockout…Natalie!

Fighting out of the gold corner, dropping in weight class for this match, from west of the Great Rift and always ready to mix it up, is the lean, mean, writing machine…Jason!

Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, let’s get ready to…NO!!!!! COPYWRITTEN!!!

Darn it! Ok, how about this one?

It’s show…NO!!!!! ALSO COPYWRITTEN!!!!!

OK, this one is all me…


Yeah, that’ll work!

Perfect! So, once again, make sure you go to our Facebook page and like the video or videos that are your favorites. Also, don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE for all the latest news and your shot at free gear. We will let you know the winner of the face-offs next week.

This is your world. Who is the winner in your mind? Like us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and don’t forget to vote.

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