The closer we get to revealing our big surprise for all of our Priders out there, the more I realize just how far the comfort level is moving. To expand the world of Necromancers’ Pride, there has been a certain degree of assuredness to it. We knew what we had, we had belief in the quality of our product and we moved accordingly.
Now, though, we are moving into uncharted waters. We tread perilously into unknown territory. We are, quite frankly, wishing a bon voyage to our comfort zone. That is not necessarily a bad thing. It is a bit disquieting, to be sure, but not bad. There is a degree of trepidation as we move forward, because in order for us to grow, we must develop, mature, adapt and change. It is a daunting task to leave what feels safe, to depart from those habits that have always been, and move into a new stage.
However, move we must, develop we must and grow we must. Our comfort zone has been nice, but comfort does not give us the ability to expand our world and see our plans for growth come to fruition. Sometimes, in order to grow, comfort is the last thing you need. Taking chances and accepting risk is a part of the artistic process. It is a part we embrace, because to do otherwise would be to remain stagnant. That we can NEVER do. It is time to evolve.
So, we say goodbye to our comfort zones and hello to the possibilities the future holds. Comfort is nice, but success is far sweeter. We can’t wait for you to see what we mean.
What is your comfort zone and how can you move away from it?
This is your community. Share with us.