Bringing it to the Beta’s!


We are hours, mere moments, a scant accumulation of minutes away from getting book 3 in the Necromancers Pride Saga, Storm of Shadows, to our beta readers!

Yes, those brave and hearty souls who will be tasked with giving the world of Tarune a once over will soon be at it again, putting the proverbial hammer to anvil to help us forge the world we have all come to love so dearly.

D.W. and I have been editing like mad, rewriting and reshaping the world, honing it to continue the story of Corwyn and Velladriana in the strongest and tightest way possible. As such, I have been forced to spend far more time in close proximity with D.W. than any person should have to. The plus side is that we are almost done! On the negative side … well, let’s just say I have picked up some new, colorful phrases that I cannot repeat in front of my children. Such is the way of things, though. A potty mouth is a small price to pay for success.

When next I write to you, Storm of Shadows will be in the beta readers’ hands, which means it is one giant step closer to being in yours. So, with that said, I am off to finish what we have started. The world of Necromancers’ Pride awaits.

What story lines are you looking forward to reading about?

This is your community. We want to hear from you.


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