Start stepping for success!


Moving forward. It can be a difficult thing to do. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” so said the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu. That first step can be tough, very tough. Getting started is what stops most people in their tracks. They want to pursue their dreams, but never really muster up the courage to take step one.

To those people I say, “Go! Do it!”

Yes, it is about that simple. We have been so inculcated in this culture to believe it is the destination, not the journey, that is the goal that we miss out on the adventure of trying. I reflect on this as the release of book 2 of the Necromancers’ Pride Saga, Tides of War, steadily approaches. D.W. and I have had to overcome many obstacles in writing two novels. What is the main theme? Are we honoring that as the series progresses? Do we do the characters justice? How do we find a copy editor? What is a copy editor? How do we even approach creating a map and book covers? The list of questions looming ahead of us has always been large.

However, with each subsequent answer, we got stronger, better and more knowledgeable than we formerly were. Was I always right? No … just mostly. Did D.W. appreciate being wrong so often. No … but he has learned from his mistakes. We have had many a heated debate on just about every facet of the world of Tarune. And, you know what? We have loved every single moment!

There will always be obstacles. There will always be places on the path where giving up or letting dreams fade may seem the easiest choice. I say, there is no choice. Move forward. Be bold.

Want an example of boldness? Ok, here goes: CLICK HERE and buy Necromancers’ Pride – Quest for Elderstone, right now, prior to the release of Tides of War! Then, please go onto Amazon and write us a review. That is crucial for independent authors.

Ta-da! There is lesson 1 in boldness for you.

“Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.” That one is fromĀ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. He also said, “Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.”

We are so close to seeing our dream of creating a series of novels come to fruition that we want to inspire everyone who reads this to keep on the path to your dreams. Take step one. We’ll see you in a thousand miles, and we’ll be cheering you on every step of the way!

What is your next step in realizing your dreams?

This is your community. We want to hear from you.

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