Tag Archives: power

Darcon’s Bow

Blog – Darcon’s Bow   Hello Priders! WELCOME BACK!   Today, a tale about a man who will be forever remembered as the one who cleansed sin. As always, this story is added to the fiction and lore surrounding the world of Necromancers’ Pride and is not to be taken as canon. Not too long […]

Have you seen the ORACLE LINE ?!!!!!

  In the world of Necromancers’ Pride, the Oracles changed the land with their power and magic. How did they do that? Well, you’ll just have to read the books to find out. In the modern world, the Oracles will do the very same thing. We are proud to introduce the Oracle Line. Just in time […]


Red is the color of fire. It connotes excitement. It suggests exhilaration. Prince didn’t sing about a Corvette that was blue, did he? Nope. The Corvette was red. It was little and it was red. What color was Darth Vader’s light saber? Yep…red. You’d better believe people thought twice when they saw that scarlet glow […]

You’re magic.

  Goethe is author of one of my favorite quotes of all time. You may have heard of it. I’ve made mention of it before, “Boldness has genius, power and magic in it…” If you’ve never heard of it, do yourself a favor and look it up. The entire quote is very motivational. It certainly […]

Jason’s Blog: The Seven Mystical Wonders of Tarune – The Forgotten Lair/Valley of Souls (Part I)

The Seven Mystical Wonders of Tarune: The Forgotten Lair/Valley of Souls (Part 1) Hello Everyone! HAPPY FRIDAY! Today we travel to the Northeast of Tarune to learn about “The Forgotten Lair”. DISCLAIMER: Remember, all of this content is a fictional story I created to add more mystical and magical depth to Necromancers Pride, from my perspective. It does not […]