Red is the color of fire. It connotes excitement. It suggests exhilaration. Prince didn’t sing about a Corvette that was blue, did he? Nope. The Corvette was red. It was little and it was red. What color was Darth Vader’s light saber? Yep…red. You’d better believe people thought twice when they saw that scarlet glow materialize into his deadly blade.

In other words, red is a power color. Well, we in the Necromancers’ Pride family love the power of red. We hope you do, too. In a few days, the power of red can be yours. You won’t find Corvettes or sabers, but the styles and fashions from the world of Tarune will be available in all their crimson glory…along with black, and blue, and white, and grey, and yellow, etc. You get the picture.

Speaking of pictures, what do you think of this one?

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