Category Archives: Epic Fantasy

Author Interview with us!

D.W. and I recently had the utmost pleasure to be interviewed by a talented author, fellow Fantasy Science-Fiction Network member and overall amazing person by the name of Kasper Beaumont. She is the author of The Hunters of Reloria Trilogy – Elven Jewel, Hunters’ Quest and Dragon’s Revenge. Remember the name, I’ll say it again, […]

OOH this is good!

The night hides many of our secrets. Sometimes, it is the light of a single candle that holds the dark at bay. Whispered machinations speak of sinister dealings, while wicked eyes gaze upon nefarious acts. Into the night the heroes dare tread, offering hope to those frightened and alone. Always must we respect the black spaces that […]

Autographed copy for you!

To all our amazing readers, we say, “THANK YOU!!” As we continue to build the world of Necromancers’ Pride, we want to take a moment to recognize all those people who have helped us to achieve this accomplishment. There is a lot that goes into writing a book. Copyeditors, proofreaders, developmental editors, illustrators, formatting specialists […]

Lucky #7!

As you can see, we’ve made it to number seven. Now, don’t get me wrong, seven is great. There have been some classic sevens out there. Kurosawa’s The Seven Samuri, The Magnificent Seven (Steve McQueen … brilliant), the seven seas, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, and let’s not forget 7eleven, to name just a few. […]