Category Archives: Epic Fantasy

Introducing Laycindial

She is as powerful as she is beautiful. She is as wise as she is mysterious. Her graces will be revealed in the pages to come. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, introducing Laycindial. What facets of the magics in the world of Necromancers’ Pride intrigue you most? This is your community. We want to […]

5 ways to keep the PASSION fires burning!

So, the World Cup is over. Germany is the champion of the world. It is amazing to see nations spanning the globe coming together in support of their teams. Every four years the teams meet in this arena and do battle on the pitch. It is a huge spectacle, even becoming one hear in America. […]

Change for the better.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. That cliched turn of phrase is very true, especially in the world of literature. As we work on book 3 in the Necromancers’ Pride Saga, Storm of Shadows, we deal with the very same issues as we had in writing Quest for Elderstone and Tides of […]

5 tips to maintain your focus.

As we work on book 3 in the Necromancers’ Pride Saga, Storm of Shadows, I am constantly reminded of how many obstacles there are to keeping focused on the task at hand. Meetings, errands, blogs, honey-do’s (far more do’s than you would think once you are married), familial obligations and business concerns are not only […]

Introducing: The Viper’s Legions

Many people have expressed interest in Reese and his backstory. Well, we don’t want to give away too much, so instead of who Reese is, we have decided to give you some information on what Reese is. Without further ado, here is some information on the Viper’s Legions. The Viper’s Legions: The name of one […]