Martial Arts: Dee Sarpo Hello Everyone! Happy Friday! Remember from last week, I gave you information about my imaginary, anthological fighting style of the Canodrian Cougars, Gze Kunan Dei? As always, this is just my take on the world of Tarune. I let my imagination run wild, and Charles and D.W. let me share my […]
Tag Archives: training
Martial Arts: Gze Kunan Dei Hello Everyone! Happy Friday! If I were to create a martial arts system in the Known Kingdoms, this would be my take on it. As a huge fan of the world of Necromancers’ Pride, I just love imagining what the world might be like. I hope you enjoy my imaginary […]
Height: 6’1″ Weight: 185 lbs. Birthplace: Silverton, Aldara Preferred Weapon: Enchanted hand-and-a-half sword ~ Taryn Unique Ability: Heart’s Eye Corwyn is a character study in confliction. From an early age, he was forced to battle between his commitments to his family and those commitments thrust upon him by others. Having lost his parents at a young age, […]
Many people have expressed interest in Reese and his backstory. Well, we don’t want to give away too much, so instead of who Reese is, we have decided to give you some information on what Reese is. Without further ado, here is some information on the Viper’s Legions. The Viper’s Legions: The name of one […]
I have often been asked what D.W. and I use as sources of inspiration. There are myriad different places from which we draw our creative energies. Relationships, past experiences and interactions all play a part in how we formulate our creation of the world of Necromancers’ Pride. We have received some very nice complements on […]