Category Archives: Uncategorized

Relax, kick off your shoes and stay awhile.

As I emerge from my food coma, the thing I am most thankful for now is that I am able to see through the haze of turkey, roast and all the trimmings to actually be able to write this. Oh, what a great feast day we had! When I wasn’t swimming in rivers of gravy, […]

Which Rich Person Are You?

I met a rich person yesterday, very rich. I mean, the kind of rich that buys a vacation home just for the tax write-off, the kind of rich that pays for his grandkid’s Taco Bell with the black Am Ex card. He probably has a standing tee time at Sherwood Country Club every morning, sleeps […]

How Many Hats Do You Wear?

Today we finalized the dimensions of the book and received the final page count to Necromancers’ Pride – Quest for Elderstone! Yes, indeed, it is the start of a great week! D.W. and I have belabored every point in the creative process, checking and rechecking, just to make sure that the launch of the book […]