As I reflect on the weekend I have just had and on the week that lies ahead, I am very aware of my state of mind. I mean, come on, how could I not be? It is my mind. It is my state. Seems a simple enough concept to grasp, but how often do we really consider our mood as it pertains to how it will affect what we experience? My state of mind is currently quite good. I had a great weekend and am looking forward to a successful week. However, being happy is not the state I want to talk about. Don’t get me wrong, happiness is great, but I am referring to a successful state of mind. I am referring to a 24/7 state of mind. The great thing is, being happy and being successful are not mutually exclusive. In fact, the more you love what you do, the more you will be prone to do it. We all know this, but it is important to check in and really acknowledge this as it pertains to our lives.
Last week, we talked about getting out of our own way and combating “writer’s block.” Today’s blog (some would say rant, but hey, tomato – tomato) is focused on taking that a bit further. I want to focus on fighting off “worker’s block.” It is that block that tells us that working is meant to give us just what we need to survive, and that doing so is a grind. I contend that working is meant to be fun. It is meant to give us enjoyment and purpose. Our survival will be ensured because we are always looking forward. When our mindset is such, we are enjoying life, not merely enduring it. If we adopt a mindset of wanting to work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, we must be doing something we love, lest we will never never get it done.
D.W. recently brought this to my attention. He said, “We can’t sleep. We are building something. We need to be on this seven days a week. When other people rest, we need to be working.”
Now, I am normally not inclined to inflate D.W.’s already elephantine ego, but he does make a great point. It is a point I want to share with you. As you are building your brand, be it your books, your artwork, your own personal profile exposure, etc., you have to understand that your job will involve a certain amount of focus and attention EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK. Here is a checklist of some things you can do to keep yourself motivated.
- Set a six month goal. What is the big picture of what you are trying to create?
- Set a three month goal. What small steps can you take to get you to the completion of your plan?
- Make an asset list. What and who do you have in your life that can help you?
- Success contacts. Make a list of successful people in your field and reach out to them.
- Weekly goal list. On Friday, are you going to be happy with where you have ended up from Monday?
- Daily single promise. Promise yourself you will do one thing, just one thing, to move you forward … and DO IT!
Granted, sometimes you need to unplug, hop off of the grid and take some down time to recharge your batteries. I get it. Getting back to neutral is totally understandable. Just remember, if you stay in neutral too long, you don’t move forward. How can you get to where you are going if you are doing nothing more than idling?
I say this because I need to hear it as much as I need to share it. The great thing about D.W. is that his pedal is always to the proverbial metal. I tend to be a bit more mellow in my general approach to things. He is life in the fast lane, while I tend to be more easy like a Sunday morning (quite apropos, since that is when I am writing this). The point is, mellow may be nice, but to be successful, I have needed to adopt my own 24/7 mindset.
It is a mindset that is born of a successful state of mind. I know we will be successful. However, to do so, we must be willing to put in the work. Moreover, because we work in a field that we love, that work is not a chore. It is a privilege. That makes us happy. Thus, we will be successful. So you see, happiness and success are not mutually exclusive, as I said earlier, but it sure is great when the twain do meet.
What things do you do to keep yourself motivated and moving forward toward success? How much time do you spend on building your brand?
This is your community, we want to hear from you.