As we proceed along this adventurous path, fellow travelers, D.W. and I are constantly amazed by the feelings that come along with creating one’s own world (or in this case, two’s own world). We feel blessed. We feel grateful. We feel fulfilled. We also feel anxious. It is the anxiousness that comes with acknowledging a great first step, but in seeing how much further the road ahead stretches.
We truly do have miles to go before we sleep (thank you, Mr. Frost, for that brilliant imagery). It is an amazing thing, to feel. It extends beyond emotions, it reaches to all the senses, tactile, olfactory, visual and auditory. We encounter our world through our senses. There is something magical about that. It is the magic of picking up a book, a real, tangible book, opening the pages and feeling the spine tug for the first time.
Today, there are myriad ways to enjoy reading. For many, the enjoyment is heightened by sinking their proverbial teeth into an actual, physical copy of a book. The feelings that opening a book invoke are often as strong and tangible an experience as the feelings invoked by what is actually read.
“When will the physical copy of the book be ready?” D.W. and I have been asked.”Will there even be one?” So many people have asked us about that, in point of fact, that D.W. and I felt like we had to address it.
Well it is HERE! YAAY YA as D.W. would say.
If you have not had the chance yet, CLICK HERE to get your copy today!
If you did not hear us say it before, THANK YOU SO MUCH for the success of the release of NECROMANCERS’ PRIDE – Quest for Elderstone!
We love hearing from you. To prove it and show you how much we love you, from now through the month of May, everyone who leaves a comment will have their name placed in a hat. If you comment and link back to our blog on your blog, you get your name in the hat twice. What do you win? An autographed, physical copy of Necromancers’ Pride – Quest for Elderstone, of course. That way, you can experience those warm feelings all over again. It is our way of saying, “Thank you so much for all of your support!”
What is your favorite way to enjoy a good book, by the fire, on the beach, laying in bed?
This is your community. We want to hear from you.