Category Archives: Epic Fantasy

In with the new…

Out with the old, in with the new. That is the way of things. We say goodbye to that which is deemed aged or decrepit and move on to, as D.W. so eloquently puts it, the “brand new shiny.” We are a society that is obsessed with newness, from our entertainment to our technology; we […]

Short, Sweet and to the Point

Season’s greetings, everyone. Hopefully, you’ve gotten all of your shopping done. If not, well … get on out there and brave that cutthroat world of holiday mall shoppers. Since ’tis the season to be jolly (and unbelievably busy), I will be brief. You see, sometimes bigger is not better. Sometimes, getting to the point quickly […]

Information flow

Friday is here! Christmas is on its way! Plenty of Yuletide cheer and merriment abound. Pass the eggnog, get the lights up and hang the mistletoe. There are so many preparations we go through in feeling like we are “ready” for the holidays. I find it curious that we feel the need to be “ready” […]

Who is your HERO?

Everybody needs a hero, that person to whom we can look for protection, guidance and inspiration. They come in all shapes and sizes. Thin, fat, lean, muscular, male or female, our heroes can be found everywhere. The thing about our society is that we tend not to reward the common day heroics that we see […]

Magic does exist … dammit!

There are all sorts of magic in the world. The magic of a first kiss. The magic of hearing your child cry for the first time. There is magic in giving selflessly of yourself to others. Magic is a wonderful thing that ignites creativity, inspires greatness and sows the seeds of perpetual inventiveness in all […]