Category Archives: Epic Fantasy


We have a big announcement for everyone. We have said since we began this community that the novel, Necromancers’ Pride – Quest for Elderstone, would be released in January 2014. You may be thinking, well …  it is January 2014, so …? So … you are right, it is January. Now, we have an announcement. Stop […]

Gotta love a classic.

Welcome to a very special week for our Necromancers’ Pride blog. We are very happy to have you here. You know, there is something to be said for the classics. Classic stories, classic movies, classic characters, they envelop us in a sense of nostalgia and a feeling that we are in familiar, comforting territory. Something […]

PROviding a PROtagonist

The first Friday of the new year. Time certainly has not slowed in 2014, that is for sure. Everything is moving forward at full speed. For some, the lethargy of the long holiday break is starting to wear off, with the preparation for returning to work now just a weekend away. For us, though, lethargy […]

Villains are people, too.

What is it that truly captures our hearts and minds when it comes to storytelling? Well, you have to have a great plot. You need to engage readers with interesting locations and colorful descriptions. You also need enough twists and turns to keep the readers on their proverbial toes. However, the bottom line most important […]


The book is released this month! Happy New Year, everyone! What an exciting time this is. If you were to look at things in terms of the Gregorian calendar, this is the start of the New Year. However, from a practical perspective, it is Wednesday. What is it that gives us this universal feeling of […]