Often in writing, as in life, situations change. The ebb and flow of the original plan has to be amended to account for shifting ideas, changing viewpoints and, quite honestly, improved ideas.
D.W. and I are always open to making the world of Necromancers’ Pride the best it can be. To that end, we never turn our backs to changes in direction. Sometimes, it requires more work to incorporate the new ideas, but it is always worth it in the end.
That having been said, we would like to give you a deleted excerpt that was part of a storyline that, though we greatly enjoyed originally, has been changed for what we think is the better. We never stop creating, critiquing and editing. Writing, as D.W. is so fond of saying, is rewriting. We hope you enjoy this excerpt. We are excited about the changes we’ve made in the stories to come.
The plan had been to spread out along the paths and claim whatever stragglers got close. Pickings were slim today, and the band needed to eat.
Gatia returned the telescope to her eye and looked on. At this distance, she could see he was cloaked and dressed completely in black.
What a fool, she thought.
Whoever was stupid enough to cross the Mesas in black deserved to have their purse taken. He had thick saddlebags, so that was promising. The horse would fetch a fair price, or if nothing else, would make an equitable dinner.
~Necromancers’ Pride (deleted excerpt)
Get ready for the next volume in the Necromancers’ Pride Saga – Tides of War, coming very soon.
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