BIG change is coming!

Hi. Do you remember last week when I made mention of big things on the horizon?

Well, that foreshadowing was nothing to the possibilities that have most recently begun to weave themselves into reality. Change, as we all know, is the one guaranteed constant in our perception of the universe.

As beings, we grow, we adapt, we evolve. That evolution sometimes comes with what we call growing pains. Life and the embracement of transformation is not always easy, but it is always necessary. Out with the old, in with the new. It is the ultimate way of things.

I say all this to let you know that the changes we have planned are big. No, big does not really fit them. They are HUGE changes. In truth, the changes we are contemplating will shatter the reality of the Necromancers’ Pride realm completely. Just know that everything D.W. and I contemplate is meant for the best. We are continuing to grow this world. But, OH, what steps we are considering.

When the time is right, we will be sharing more with you. Just be prepared. As with all life, what once was may not always be.

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