January 8th, 2014 is the day we saw the realization of a dream! One year ago today, Necromancers’ Pride – Quest for Elderstone was released!!
It has been an amazing ride since then, seeing the release of all three books, including Tides of War and Storm of Shadows.
Thank you, our amazing readers, for accompanying us on this incredible journey through the realms and kingdoms of Tarune. Our characters have grown and developed under your watchful eyes, and we could not be more pleased with the reception their amazing story has received.
There are some great things we have planned for you in 2015, one of which being the the release of the final novel in the Necromancers’ Pride Saga! We are branching out on the website and giving other fans a voice. Starting next week, we will be having weekly guest bloggers contributing to the site. So please show them your love and support. We will have more pictures and videos of our interaction with our amazing readers, along with some auditory excitement thrown in to the mix. Hint, hint…you will be able to hear the story come alive. Not to mention some of the amazing contests we have planned where we will be giving away fantastic prizes like the Kindle Fire, Kindle Paper White, autographed books, T-shirts and hats. To accommodate your need to acquire all things Necromancers’ Pride, we are proud to announce we will also be launching an online store. There, you will be able to get your hands on all the latest and greatest NP gear.
Yes, it has been an incredible adventure, not only for Corywn, Velladriana and the companions, but for D.W. and me as well. We are so exhilarated by the prospects for the future and what lies in store.
For now, we want to say thank you to all of you and Happy Anniversary to the characters that started it all!
Who are your favorite characters from the Necromancer’s Pride Saga?
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