Tides of War is well underway. We are very excited to bring it to you once it is complete. In an interview recently, we were asked if we were plotters or pantsers.
“Are we what?” D.W. asked. Poor D.W. I often forget he is still learning.
In a nutshell, a plotter plans and outlines his story carefully, while a pantser is a author who tends to write in more of a freeform manner, allowing the story to take him where it will. We are a mix of the two. We are spontaneous planners.
In Quest for Elderstone, we definitely developed a more pantseresque approach. With Tides of War, we have taken the time to craft the outline a bit more. Both D.W. and I feel it is important to allow our characters to dictate to us, to a certain extent, where the story is going. However, we wanted to attempt a bit of a different process for this next installment in the Necromancers’ Pride Saga. By giving ourselves a basic outline, we actually have more freedom to play, as opposed to less. Now, we both can be sure that the decisions we have made are congruent with our ultimate vision of the world we are creating.
In this way, we feel we can write quality work, while producing it in an expeditious manner. Basically, we want to get you the goods, and we want to get them to you soon.
That having been said, we are back at it. I just wanted to take a moment to check in with you and let you know what it is we are about.
When you create, do you plan out your moves carefully, or do you allow spontaneity to dictate your course?
This is your community. We want to hear from you.