Category Archives: Epic Fantasy


D.W. and I want to wish everyone a safe, happy, fantastic (and a little naughty never hurt anyone) All Hallows Eve! Take tonight to embody your favorite ranger, warrior, wizard, mystic, rogue or bard and honor the spirits with your merrymaking. We’ll see you next week! What are you going to be for Halloween? This […]

Surprises are wonderful things.

Surprises can be wonderful things. The unknown and unexpected, though often scary, can be filled with excitement and an energy that infuses everything with newness and a spark of creativity. I bring up surprises for two reasons. First, we will soon be announcing a surprise that we feel is sure to bring a smile to […]

Playing the waiting game.

The waiting game. It is perhaps the most difficult of any engagement. Here is the unmitigated truth – time always wins. So, we wait, trying patiently to occupy our moments until we get the notes back from the beta readers on Necromancers’ Pride – Storm of Shadows.  As writers, especially independent ones, timelines and deadlines […]

Bringing it to the Beta’s!

We are hours, mere moments, a scant accumulation of minutes away from getting book 3 in the Necromancers Pride Saga, Storm of Shadows, to our beta readers! Yes, those brave and hearty souls who will be tasked with giving the world of Tarune a once over will soon be at it again, putting the proverbial hammer […]

Who’s you favorite Character?

It is amazing how much our characters become a part of us. This became very apparent to me yesterday as D.W and I were hard at work editing book 3 of the Necromancers’ Pride Saga – Storm of Shadows. The chapter we were going over dealt with several characters we care for very deeply. So, I […]