Tag Archives: Nortgard Forest

A Tour you MUST take!

‘Hello Everyone! Happy Monday! Today, we shall take a walk through the wild and unpredictable Nortgard Forest!’ How was your journey? This is your community. Share with us and don’t forget to LIKE us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Jason’s Blog: The Seven Mystical Wonders of Tarune – The Statues

Hello everyone! Happy Friday! Today I get to defy decomposition! Introducing, “The Statues”.   DISCLAIMER: All of my blogs are fictional representations of the world of Necromancers’ Pride. This is not an actual part of the world, but I think it would be cool if it was. A very long time ago, there was a cult […]

Jason’s Blog: Mythical Creatures – The Velcron

Mythical Creatures: The Velcron Hello everyone! Happy Friday! I hope your St. Patrick’s Day was great! One side note before the blog, You might not care, but I thoroughly enjoyed the creatures in the Greek Mythology unit in my english class last year. I was recently thinking about all the intriguing creatures, and I thought to […]


Height: 5’6″ Weight: 123 lbs. Birthplace: Tanner’s Landing, Aldara Preferred Weapon: Bow Special Ability: Musician It is not an easy thing, growing up in the wild and rugged country of the northern frontier of Aldara. The outskirts of the mighty Nortgard Forest are unforgiving at the best of times. The bucolic beauty and stunning vistas of […]

Mama Weaver

Height: 5’2″ Weight: 95 lbs. Birthplace: Bronell’s Ridge, Therid Preferred Weapon: Dradar Preferred Spell: Wind Song There was a time when Mama Weaver was one of the greatest Weavers on Tarune. The whole of the Known Kingdoms would speak of her transcendent abilities. Kings and queens would vie to have her attend them at court, and more […]