Tag Archives: forest

Jason’s Blog: Where do you find your peace?

Hello Everyone! Happy Friday! Today I’d like to talk about something peaceful, something majestic, and something glorious. Nature. Imagine yourself in a small clearing out in a thick and dense forest. The wildlife vibrates with energy that makes you feel like you are one with them. The branches on the big edifice-like trees stretch out […]


Height: 5’6″ Weight: 123 lbs. Birthplace: Tanner’s Landing, Aldara Preferred Weapon: Bow Special Ability: Musician It is not an easy thing, growing up in the wild and rugged country of the northern frontier of Aldara. The outskirts of the mighty Nortgard Forest are unforgiving at the best of times. The bucolic beauty and stunning vistas of […]

Mama Weaver

Height: 5’2″ Weight: 95 lbs. Birthplace: Bronell’s Ridge, Therid Preferred Weapon: Dradar Preferred Spell: Wind Song There was a time when Mama Weaver was one of the greatest Weavers on Tarune. The whole of the Known Kingdoms would speak of her transcendent abilities. Kings and queens would vie to have her attend them at court, and more […]