Tag Archives: adventure

Time o’ give me time

Time. It seems that it, like our vacations, is always in short supply. It is strange, because I so often feel like I have somehow been cheated out of a few hours. I know I am supposed to get 24, yet strangely, I always seem to run out of day at the end of my […]

Dreams … do come true

It is an exciting time. The holidays are here, we know that because one of our local stations is playing holiday music 24/7 (hey, that sounds familiar). There is a chill in the air (it got down to nearly 70 here in L.A. burrrr). I feel an overall excitement in the energy of the day. […]

See Spot Write

You never know when lightning will strike. You never know when that one twist of fate will send you careening, no … dare I say slamming, yes … slamming full force into your destiny like a hurricane making landfall. Life is full of moments that are defined by the initiative of that second, by the […]

T.G.I. … Tuesday?

The Tuesday after a three day weekend always makes me smile. Collectively, it does feel like society is back to work, and yet, it seems strangely closer to Friday than a normal Tuesday. That is a pretty cool thing. It did get me to wondering, what it is about certain days that gives them the […]