How Many Hats Do You Wear?

Today we finalized the dimensions of the book and received the final page count to Necromancers’ Pride – Quest for Elderstone! Yes, indeed, it is the start of a great week! D.W. and I have belabored every point in the creative process, checking and rechecking, just to make sure that the launch of the book […]

Account Ability

I had to admonish my daughter yesterday. It wasn’t pretty. It really sort of broke my heart. Now, I’m not going to say that I was right and she deserved it … though I was and she did, but I still felt badly about it afterward. As a parent, there is no preparation for those […]

Time o’ give me time

Time. It seems that it, like our vacations, is always in short supply. It is strange, because I so often feel like I have somehow been cheated out of a few hours. I know I am supposed to get 24, yet strangely, I always seem to run out of day at the end of my […]

Sweating the small stuff

Small steps get you there eventually. Where? Anywhere … everywhere. The steps may be very,very small, miniscule, in point of fact, but they still move you. Sometimes, it will feel like toddlers and geriatrics alike are lapping you like Usain Bolt on a Red Bull I/V drip, but just keep stepping. Moving forward is moving […]

Dreams … do come true

It is an exciting time. The holidays are here, we know that because one of our local stations is playing holiday music 24/7 (hey, that sounds familiar). There is a chill in the air (it got down to nearly 70 here in L.A. burrrr). I feel an overall excitement in the energy of the day. […]