Category Archives: Characters

It is OK to fall … it is the only way to learn to pick yourself back up!

Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves back up. Bruce Wayne’s father gave him that advice, which Alfred then reiterated. We can learn a lot from our fantasy icons. Those heroes teach us, guide us, help us to envision ourselves as the people we wish ourselves to be. I have endeavored […]

Introducing Gascon

Darkness comes in many shades. What do I mean by that? Simply put, good and evil, as I have stated in the past, are not always black and white. In point of fact, that is seldom the case. That is what makes the world so interesting. People are motivated by needs and goals that they […]

Introducing Rogen

Ah, the noble sidekick. Frodo had Samwise. Harry Potter had two, Hermione and Ron. Batman had Robin. Maverick had Goose (poor Goose). Heck, even Jay had Silent Bob. Literature and pop culture are rife with examples of the one-two combination that deliver not only excitement, but the humanity of perspective. Heroes and their companions let […]

Introducing Eryk

The world is far from black and white. In fact, it is shaded far more in a spectrum of colors than in any monochromatic fashion. This is the case for everything in life. Choices of right and wrong, good and evil, kind and malevolent are rarely cut and dry. Every aspect of our existence can […]

What influences our combat?

I have often been asked what D.W. and I use as sources of inspiration. There are myriad different places from which we draw our creative energies. Relationships, past experiences and interactions all play a part in how we formulate our creation of the world of Necromancers’ Pride. We have received some very nice complements on […]